Is it possible to use a Dewar type cylinder for the SFT-150, SFT-250, and NPX scale SFT systems?

Is it possible to use a Dewar type cylinder for the SFT-150, SFT-250, and NPX scale SFT systems?

Unfortunately, Dewar tanks have too low of a delivery pressure and temperature for our pumping systems in these units. Typically what a client will do when processing a lot of material on the SFT-150/SFT-250 scale unit in a lengthy “dynamic flow” mode is manifold 4-6 tanks together for CO2 delivery. On the larger scale NPX units, there are 2 options for CO2 delivery. You can either go with a manifold in combination with a recycle system which allows long processing runs OR a bulk delivery tank, which is approximately 6000 lbs, with booster pump to deliver the liquid CO2 to the system.